Ed Johnson – Home from Home
1 – 12m x 4m Bothy Lodge 


When Ed Johnson and his wife purchased a non-working farm in Cheshire, and with it an old farmhouse and out-buildings, it was the perfect renovation project, and they were keen to make a start.

The first thing they needed to consider was where they would live while they worked on the farmhouse.  After some consideration, they contacted the Modular Group and discussed the range of lodges available that could potentially provide them with a temporary home.

After further thought, they decided to purchase a 12m x 4m Bothy, which they positioned within the farm grounds to live in while they got stuck into their renovation project.

The Next Step….

Having sold their five-bedroom house there was far too much furniture and belongings to fit into what is naturally a much smaller temporary property, so in the short term, some of their belongings were put into storage.

Finally, they were ready to make a start on the farmhouse, and work began in August 2022, intending to move in during late Spring / early Summer 2023.

Ed’s thoughts and reasons for purchasing The Bothy

Ed told us “The Bothy was everything we expected it to be, it was warm and easy to keep clean, providing us with a great temporary home.  Financially, we could have rented somewhere, however, we went for the longer game, and although it was a big purchase for us to make, we do have a property that we can either sell or rent out when we have moved into the farmhouse.”

To Summarise…..

Looking at the views Ed and his family have of the surrounding countryside, we can clearly understand the additional benefits associated with their project, the location looks beautiful.

We wish Ed and his family all the best for the future and are thrilled that our Bothy has worked so well for them.